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The DSI Community Communication focuses on research related to communicative challenges in a digital society.

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DSI Community Communication news

Here you will find news from our community: new projects, new topics, new members and much more.

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Know more about us

The DSI Community Communication focuses on research related to communicative challenges in a digital society.

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The DSI Community Communication aims to understand communication in a digital world by working as an interdisciplinary collaboration platform that is open for all UZH researchers and affiliates interested in contributing to our mission.

Our members

Our community connects researchers from different disciplinaries and provides a platform for every member to present their current projects, meet other researchers, and helps developing new ideas for research. Would you like to know who is part of the community? Or are you looking for a suitable partner for your next project? Here you can get to know the members of the community.

Our projects

The DSI Community Communication supports and started various interdisciplinary projects focusing on different aspects of digital communication. Topics include digital well-being, Covid-19 research, disinformation, data donation, digital religion, and various others. If you want to find out more about our members projects, visit our project site.