New Data Donation Lab @UZH – 2. July 2021

25. August 2021
The Data Donation Lab promotes and facilitates research with data gathered through data donations. Data donation refers to the active consent of an individual user to donate her or his personal digital trace data for research purposes.
The Lab is founded by the DIZH Infrastructure and Lab Call and has two main goals: First, provide an infrastructure to collect digital trace data through data donations by study participants and second, provide a platform for the transdisciplinary exchange among researcher working with such data.
The Data Donation Lab will be officially launched in a Kick-Off Meeting that will take place on Friday, 2nd July 2021 from 10.00 to 12.00. In this meeting you will get more detailed information about the aims and scope of the Lab, how this supports your research, and how you can engage in the lab. All researchers of the DIZH institutions (UZH, ZHAW, ZHdK, PHZH) who are interested in the Data Donation Lab or the topic in general are invited to join!
- Aims and Scope of the Data Donation Lab
- Timeline and Milestones
- Speed dating
- Upcoming Events
- Questions & Discussion
Event informations:
Kick-Off Data Donation Lab, Friday, 2nd July 2021 from 10.00 to 12.00
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