Next Community Meeting – 6. December 2021
17. November 2021
We invite you to our fourth and final community meeting in the year 2021 on the 6th of December between 12pm and 13pm. We will host four talks of different community members. The meeting will take place online via MS Teams.
First, Sarah Ebling will present her newly funded project entitled “Inclusive Information and Communication Technologies”. Furthermore, Dr. Anne Schulz and Dr. Sophia Volk present the status of the community project on Information Abundance and Nico Pfiffner will give us a recap on the Data Donation Lab, our community project of 2021.
Lasty, we will discuss the NFP80 call on Covid-19 in Society. The goals of the exchange regarding NFP80 are to discuss and improve individual project plans, facilitate collaboration between the applicants/projects, and identify how the DSI can support our shared goal to maximize the number of funded UZH projects.