Research talk – Advocating for basic income: Transnationality of the basic income discourse on Twitter – 13th of February from 4pm – 5pm
6. February 2023
We would like to invite you to a research talk by Dr. Fabienne Lind from the University of Vienna on "Advocating for basic income: Transnationality of the basic income discourse on Twitter". The talk will take place on the 13th of February 2023 from 4pm - 5pm in the DSI building (Rämistrasse 69) in the eventroom (room SOC-E-010)
Basic income is discussed as an idea radically different from traditional welfare-state policies and as a shared political vision for a future society. In recent years, the debate about its justifications, feasibility, and implementation became international, not at least fueled by numerous field experiments being conducted. Interested in the policy negotiation dynamics in the transnational public sphere, in this study, Dr. Lind investigates the cross-border communication of basic income advocates. More specifically, the presentation gives insight into how certain languages and language use drive transnational interactions and transnational issue convergence. To this end, a multilingual corpus that consists of Tweets by basic income organizations is analyzed using multilingual automated text analysis and network analysis.