Workshop: Automated Content Analysis – 12. November 2021

16. September 2021
With the high availability of both electronic text and methods to analyze it, automated content analyses have become a popular and important tool for social scientists over the past years. Consequentially, the expertise of computational linguists is required in a growing number of research projects in political science and communication science. Automated content analysis allows students and researchers to analyze virtually unlimited amounts of text. In this workshop, we present key current methods and use them hands-on in R and other tools. The methods comprise, but are not limited to: Keyword extraction, Collocations, Topic Modeling, Network analysis, Conceptual maps. The workshop will take place on the 12th of November in SOC-E-o10 in Rämistrasse 69. It will start at 8:30h and end at 17:00h. If you are intersted please send an E-Mail to
The workshop will be organized by: Gerold Schneider and Martin Wettstein.
Die rasant zunehmende Menge an verfügbaren Texten und Methoden macht automatische Inhaltsanalyse populärer und wichtiger für Sozialwissenschaftler. Computerlinguistische Expertise ist deshalb gefragt in immer mehr Forschungsprojekten in Politologie und den Kommunikationswissenschaften. Die automatische Medieninhaltsanalyse erlaubt es Studierenden und Forschenden, fast unbeschränkte Mengen an Texten zu analysieren. Wir zeigen in diesem Workshop wichtige Methoden und probieren sie in R und anderen Tools hands-on aus: Schlüsselworterkennung, Kollokationen, Topic Modelling, Netzwerkanalyse, konzeptuelle Karten.