From uninformed to disinformed citizens? Comparing Western information environments.
research areas
2021 - 2022
e.humprecht@ikmz.uzh.chFrom uninformed to disinformed citizens? Comparing Western information environments
The project aims to assess the extent of online disinformation (“fake news”) in Western Europe compared to the U.S. We aim to find out which actors spread false information, how disinformation is consumed and perceived, and which societal groups are most susceptible to being affected by it.
We aim to find out which actors spread false information, how disinformation is consumed and perceived, and which societal groups are most susceptible to being affected by it. Recent studies exploring the phenomenon of online disinformation have focused primarily on the individual level; however, the literature also emphasizes the importance of macro-level factors (Allcott & Gentzkow, 2017; Graves, Nyhan, & Reifler, 2016; Vargo et al., 2017). The main goal of this project is therefore to understand which contextual and individual factors foster the dissemination and consumption of online disinformation and with which effects. At the same time, we are interested in the factors enabling the resilience of countries facing the problem of online disinformation. The project starts with a representative survey in order to explore usage and exposure to online disinformation. In a second step, we conduct experiments with users most susceptible to disinformation to find out why participants read, share, and believe false information. Finally, we analyze which actors spread disinformation and how this kind of political information is communicated to users. We will be able to provide empirical evidence on the spread and effects of online disinformation within different national contexts. Moreover, our results will inform policy makers and media professionals dealing with the question of how to combat the increasing disinformation on social media.
Massive spread of disinformation on social media in the context of elections and polarized debates (e.g., immigration, climate change, Covid-19)
Research Questions
- How does the diffusion and consumption of online disinformation differ across national information environments?
- Which constellations of structural factors make national information environments more resilient or more susceptible to the spread and use of online disinformation?
- Which groups in society are most susceptible to online disinformation?
Project Aim
The aim of this project is to provide a comparative analysis of content, use, and effects of online disinformation, an assessment of the extent of online disinformation (“fake news”) in Western Europe compared to the U.S. as well as to find out which actors spread false information, how disinformation is consumed and perceived, and which societal groups are most susceptible to being affected by it.